Natural Health – Ways to Relieve Skin Irritations


Natural Health- Ways to Relieve Skin IrritationsHey Earth’s Enrichers 

In some instances, desperate times can call for desperate measures. What can you do to relieve the temporary discomfort that comes from skin break outs? You know the inflamed, red, itchy areas that happen when we make that one mistake we didn’t need. These cases tend not to be as serious as a visit to the emergency room, but can be as irritating as the day is long.

So this week, Earth’s Enrichers, we will be dedicated to giving you helpful and natural ways to relieve skin irritation. These remedies can be found in your own home and can be helpful when the irritation is not so serious but is far from comfortable. If you find that the irritation is something serious, then it’s best to contact a professional or doctor before taking any further action.

In weather that’s, icy and windy, your face or other constantly exposed areas can be subject to harsh elements. To protect your skin from the irritation of the cold, we recommend you moisturize and continue to hydrate your skin throughout the day. Coconut oil and shea butter (which we use to base all of our balms by the way) are great for healing, moisturizing, and revitalizing skin. Keeping your skin clean and moisturized properly everyday will help prevent irritation.

Then again, even when precautions are taken, things can still happen. So, what do you do to ease annoying skin irritation? There is a simple and general tactic to relieve discomfort. The first thing you should not do is constantly mess with or scratch the irritated area; that could make it worse. Not to mention, the dirt and bacteria from your hands could cause contamination.

So, the first step to take is to make sure the irritated area is clean.  Use natural skin sensitive cleansers that contain natural relievers like oatmeal and aloe vera. Using a cold water soaked wash cloth, pat the area gently or place it over the area. Do not scrub the area or leave it wet—pat the area dry with a soft towel. The cool water will help relieve the hotness of irritation temporarily.

 Aloe Vera has healing and cooling properties that can soothe irritations. Also, using a cold compress is an alternative. It can reduce swelling and provide temporary relief from the burning irritated skin, there are also properties in oatmeal that can help relieve inflammation. When cleaning or soaking the irritated area, it is best to use cold to lukewarm water. This way you don’t produce more irritation to the affected area or dry it out.

 Last but certainly not least, remove anything from that area of the body that could cause irritation. For instance, a tag or piece of clothing that continually comes in contact with that area will cause further irritation. Following this process should help provide some relief for any skin discomfort or irritation. If it doesn’t go away in a timely fashion, we recommend that you seek medical attention to see what the allergenic is or what continues to irritate your skin.

The EE 411:  Break Out the Break Out Remedies 

Remember, it is important to know your body. Make a note of the things that break you out and cause allergic reactions. It will help save you from future troubles. Once you recognize what irritates your skin, you can have a better assessment of its sensitivities. You will start to develop a profile that helps you select products that benefit you. So, for remedies that can help relieve the annoyance of skin inflammation, redness, and itchiness, please see below:

 When looking to reduce redness and inflammation, the following are good options:

Simply place these things on the area until temporary relief is evident. It shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes.

 When looking for something to reduce itching and irritation, the following are good choices:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Baking soda (a teaspoon add water)
  • Oatmeal
  • Peppermint leaves*
  • Basil leaves*

(*Also, good for bug bites)

Taking controlled amounts of these substances and gently rubbing them on the irritated area should temporally cease the annoyance. Check out other skincare remedies.

 Here at EE we do care about your health. If you find that you constantly deal with your skin breaking out, then perhaps you should assess the products you are using. We encourage you to try us and see if our products lead your skin to better results. We make our products with you in mind, so don’t forget we have your back. For a quick start, here are some EE products that contain ingredients that help with relief of irritation, inflammation, and redness.

Share with Us: What natural remedies do you find works best for you?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 


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