Healthy Lifestyle – The Gift of Giving


????????Hey Earth’s Enrichers

It’s New Years’, the season of change and taking on new challenges. The holiday spirit doesn’t have to end, so why not continue the gift of giving and fellowship? We discovered some new information about the gift of giving that we know you would be interested in. Giving is the concept of passing something along to another individual without the need to receive anything in return. Inadvertently, when you give you do get something in return.

Would you believe us if we told you that when you give to someone you receive a good bill of health in return? Yep! Giving inspires relationship building, stress relief, reduced heart disease, and lower blood pressure. Human beings are natural social creatures who tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves. So, it makes a lot of sense when our emotions and social life affect our health.

Think back to when you have had a fight with a family member, suppose they felt unappreciated, how did you feel? It probably felt like thunder in your chest and a tsunami in your stomach. Negative feelings and bad relationships with others create restlessness and makes it hard for the body to relax. Cruelty is not something our bodies can easily handle, but it comes with the territory. We were given generosity, kindness, and fellowship to help us fight the cruelty, stinginess, and greed that can have negative effects on our health.

So, we encourage you to give a little cheer this New Year and the holiday seasons to come. The world is full of people who need it. Giving is not just for the holiday season but for all year long and it shows people that you care. If you have a chance to give, then give. Believe us when we tell you, it feels much better when you do and you never know what opportunities you can provide to a person by giving.

Another way to give is with fellowship. Sometimes, even spending time with people is more than enough. Quality time with family members and grandparents can bring them more joy than any amount of money could buy. They look forward to it and will always remember the quality time.

To help those who are less fortunate, donate what you can to a shelter, also spending time in a soup kitchen and helping out will help you find joy, especially if you can’t be with your family at that moment. It will help give you the emotional support you need, fellowship, and create warmth when you are homesick.

The EE 411:  The Rules on Giving

Okay, everyone pay attention. Take a deep breath in and out—we’re going to learn the rules on giving.

  1. Give to another to create joy
  2. Expect nothing in return
  3. Smile when you give
  4. Thank others for what they give you with a hearty smile
  5. By all means, write thank you cards
  6. Under no circumstances do you tell someone you are taking their gift back to the store (even if it’s socks).

In return you will be rewarded with:

  • Stress relief
  • Relationship building
  • Reduction of stress can help reduce heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Fellowship
  • Intimacy and empathy
  • Patience
  • Happiness
  • Sleeping better at night
  • More gifts

So, we hope our gift to you can be useful during your journey through life. Generosity is the key to health and happiness. We at EE hope you had a happy holiday season and a great New Year. Enjoy the gift of giving!

Share with Us: What gifts will you cherish from last year?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 


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