Health and Living – Spirituality

 ???????????????????????Hey Earth’s Enrichers

When you think of spirituality, what exactly comes to mind? Spirituality is very important for human health. Spirituality is the foundation of fundamentals that create the basis of human purpose. This means spirituality gives an individual a feeling of purpose, a sense of meaning in their lives.

With religion, spirituality is defined in many different ways. In health, it has more of a universal definition. Spiritual health simply wishes you to answer this question: do you feel you have a purpose or greater meaning in life? Spiritual health is less linked to a deity and more linked to the idea of building your confidence and improving your inner (mental) health. In other words, do you feel you are connected to this world for a reason?

Look at your life, accomplishments, and future goals. Discover your next move in life and how you can better reach your goals.

Take long walks and get in touch with yourself, reflect on what has happened in your life both good and bad. When was the last time you took time out of your busy day and cherished your good ol’ memories? To live in the past isn’t healthy, but to reminisce every now and again is perfectly fine.

This principle also focuses on establishing personal values. These personal values should help you with your emotional health, physical, and social life. These values can range from philosophical—do unto others, as you would have them do unto you—to physical like practicing fitness to counteract daily stress that could affect your social life.

Spiritual health encourages you to think out of the box by thinking inside of the box. Its purpose is to inspire you to look inside yourself and discover who you are, what makes you a better person and what makes you happy.

It encourages you to challenge yourself and the only way to do that is to know who you are (to know your limits). It stimulates you to enjoy yourself and love yourself. So, take the time out of your day to enjoy life and enjoy being alive. This is something you definitely deserve!

The EE 411: A Better Way To Get In Touch

One major aspect of spiritual health is the ability to get in touch with yourself, to basically understand your ultimate purpose in life. This simply means being able to experience love, pain, peace, joy, grief, and responsibility and admiration for all living beings.

Of course you have felt all of these and they are everyday aspects of life. They cannot be avoided because these feelings are a part of life. However, optimal spiritual health helps you navigate these emotions.

Meditation is a great way to achieve spiritual health.  Just in case you don’t know what meditation is, it is basically a time where you are quiet and you can deeply reflect.  The classic way to meditate is to find a quiet place to isolate yourself with the option of calming music to guide you.  This way you are undisturbed and are free to roam your thoughts as you please. Meditation does not have to be limited to sitting in isolation and it works best when you relax.  It can be done in any environment and doing any activity.  A leisurely stroll through a park or simply walking your dog could be a great time to reflect and admire the planet you live on.

We say a great way to relax and think about your day and reflect is in an awesome, warm, soothing bath. This allows you to slowly drift into long musing without disturbance. We recommend Lavender of the Valley to help you relax. Perhaps, a little soak in our bath salts to create a soothing aromatherapy, which is great for relaxing. Treat yourself and help balance your spiritual health.

Share with Us: What are ways that you get in touch with yourself?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 


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