Tag Archives: skin care

Healthy Lifestyle – The Gift of Giving

  Hey Earth’s Enrichers It’s New Years’, the season of change and taking on new challenges. The holiday spirit doesn’t have to end, so why not continue the gift of giving and fellowship? We discovered some new information about the gift of giving that we know you would be interested in. Giving is the concept of […]

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Healthy Lifestyle – Enriching Life with Music

Hey Earth’s Enrichers This is the time of the year when it feels like the walls are caving in! There are year-end deadlines holiday parties and holiday shopping drawing near—Phew! How do you relax these days? How do you casually blow off some steam? Would you believe me if I told you that music can be […]

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Health and Living – Environmental Health

 Hey Earth’s Enrichers Ladies and Gentlemen, the six principles of heath are coming to an end. However, this does not mean that you have to forget all that we have shared with you. So here is a quick review of the five principles we have introduced.  The first principle we covered was physical health, which represents […]

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Health and Living – Social Health

  Hey Earth’s Enrichers It doesn’t seem like summer is ready to come to its end yet. So do not stop having fun yet. There is plenty of time to meet new people and establish new relationships. Let us elaborate on what we mean by relationships. We mean friendships, meeting new people, or maybe even possibly […]

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Health and Living – Spirituality

 Hey Earth’s Enrichers When you think of spirituality, what exactly comes to mind? Spirituality is very important for human health. Spirituality is the foundation of fundamentals that create the basis of human purpose. This means spirituality gives an individual a feeling of purpose, a sense of meaning in their lives. With religion, spirituality is defined in […]

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Living Healthy – Staying Cool

  Hey Earth’s Enrichers The summer temperatures are ripe this year! They range from 80 to anywhere in the 90s and above. In this kind of weather, you must bring your A-game of coolness. So we ask you, how are you staying cool in the toaster summer of 2014? We at EE are natural at staying […]

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USDA Organic Certified

Organic v. All-Natural Skin Care

  Dear Earth’s Enrichers As you begin or continue your quest to a healthier living, you will or have already come across the products with the labels “all-natural” and “organic.” These labels, although they are both products that are meant for healthy living, are very different. It is important to know the differences between them. This […]

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Healthy Snacks – Holiday Delights

  Happy Holidays Earth’s Enrichers! The next step to the holiday season is deciding what to put on the table. There are some traditional Christmas/Holiday goodies that actually have some beneficial ingredients that could add to healthy living. Remember the lyrics to “A Christmas Song” about chestnuts roasting on an open fire—believe it or not, […]

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Natural Skin Care – Make up Tips

    Hey Earth’s Enrichers! Makeup is the now-a-days daily necessity. Everyone tends to wear it and there is nothing wrong with that. Makeup is used to accent one’s beauty, although, it does make one beautiful. It helps make qualifying features stand out and the not so favorite features seem invisible. Makeup is a part […]

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Nail Care

    Hey Earth’s Enrichers!  Remember the saying about the white spots on your nails? “Those little white spots on your nails would determine how many ‘significant others’ you would have”.  Well, some of you may have heard it.  Anyway, what are those white spots you may ask?  Those little spots are actually quite normal […]

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