Organic Soap – Yes We Are

USDA Organic Certified


Yes we are—USDA organic, all-natural, handcrafted, cruelty- free, non-GMO, vegan*, and gluten- free* (*Except for Honey Granola which is in the process of a makeover.  It will become gluten- free soon!)

 Last week we talked about skincare ingredients that have harmful effects to your skin.  This week we will talk about the aspects of our soaps that care for and nurture your skin.  Remember, we know what it’s like to have sensitive skin and have some elements in the average soap break you out. We know what it’s like to have skin irritation and can’t find skin care products that won’t irritate your skin further.  We also know what it’s like to use an organic soap and have it not meet your expectation.  So, we have used our experiences and homework to make our soaps with you and your skin in mind.


The EE 411

We at EE offer USDA certified organic soaps that do not contain parabens, sulfates, phthalates, petroleum, artificial coloring, artificial fragrances, or artificial preservatives.  Instead our products are handcrafted, USDA organic certified, all-natural, cruelty- free, vegan* and gluten-free* (*except Honey Granola).

USDA Organic Certified

First, what does it mean to be organic? It means that the product does not contain any genetically modified organisms, synthetic ingredients, chemicals, pesticides, etc.  In other words, everything is grown in a natural, un-tampered environment.

Second, how does the USDA National Organic Program recognize products that are USDA organic certified? In order for products to be recognized as USDA organic certified they must contain 95% certified organic ingredients or greater. To obtain the ‘USDA Organic’ title, a Government certified agency must check and make sure that the manufacturer fulfills all of the requirements of the USDA organic standard.

Third, how do you know if a product is USDA Organic certified? Simply look for the USDA organic seal on the product. This is a circular seal that contains the words USDA organic.  Check out the picture at the top of this blog.

All- Natural

All-natural means that the product doesn’t contain any chemicals or lab made preservatives such as parabens, sulfates, artificial preservatives, phthalates, artificial coloring, etc.  At Earth’s Enrichments we have found natural ingredients to these unhealthy choices. Mother Nature equips us with natural ingredients to be used as preservatives and repellants. The trick is finding out her secrets—for instance, some herbs can be used as a bug repellent.  Likewise, salt can be used as a natural preservative. Check it out! You’d be amazed at what some of the things in your fridge and cabinets can do for you.


Handcrafted or handmade means skillfully made by hand. Like our products, when your favorite products say ‘handcrafted’ it means made by people and not machines. In other words, each product is specially fashioned with you in mind. With us, each bar has its own personality and is uniquely designed.


A vegan product means that none of its ingredients or products were taken from any insects or animals. Just in case you have forgotten, this would include bugs, critters, and creepy crawlers. This would even include the bees that make your honey.

Cruelty- Free

Cruelty free means no animals or any living creatures were harmed in the making of a product. When we say our products are cruelty free, we mean it! No lipstick on dogs or sulfate ridden shampoo on kittens.  In our case, no bees were harmed during the making of our Honey Granola bar soap. We do not condone any testing of products on animals. 

Gluten- Free

Gluten is a type of protein that produces elasticity in dough. It can be found in cereal, grain, and wheat. Although it is naturally found in grain and wheat, it is also a popular allergen.  It can affect people with allergies to grain, wheat, or those who suffer from Coeliac Disease (unable to digest gliadin, which is in Gluten).

Therefore, when a product says it is gluten free, it contains no traces of gluten. 


GMO stands for genetically modified organisms.  It refers to products that are scientifically tampered with in anyway to make them last longer, taste better, or look more appealing. This often includes fruits, vegetables, meats. 

Share with Us:  What other positive benefits would you like your skincare to have?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 


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