Organic Skin Care 101

Organic Skin Care 101

Welcome Back Earth’s Enrichers! The school year has officially started and it’s time for some fun and beneficial skincare education. Don’t worry, we won’t lecture you, but let’s look at why we do what we do to our skin. So, let’s begin, why is skincare important? Seriously! Let’s think about it.

 There are certain regiments that we practice as our signature skincare routine.  Although it’s not always in the same order, we cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, apply sunscreen, use shaving cream when shaving, and wash our hair. Have you ever thought about what happened if we didn’t do some of these things? 

If we didn’t perform healthy skincare practices, we would weaken our most prominent protection against the environment (not to mention we’d be quite smelly as well). Proper skin care helps strengthen our body’s largest organ. For instance, if we don’t clean our skin we leave it exposed to germs, infections, and bacteria that could break our skin out. This could also cause long term damage.

During the course of the next few weeks, we will talk more in depth with you about the importance of the following skin rituals: cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, applying sunscreen, the pros and cons of using shaving cream while shaving, and washing our hair. 

The EE 411

Although skincare is quite important, it can be too much of a good thing. Say you love peanut butter and you eat it every day, sooner or later you will begin to rethink your desire. The same goes for over cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, applying sunscreen, shaving and even washing your hair in some cases. By overdoing even one of these things you could irritate or damage your skin. The key is knowing your skin and how to balance your regiment.

Tell Us: What are some of your skincare routines that you can’t live without? For instance, moisturizing your hands before you go to bed.

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 


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